Way too early in the morning!! Had to be on the bus by 730am to be there by 9am to register for events. YAWN!
I decided to present a talk on making paper fortune cookies and the mishaps of making the real ones. It was a jab at ehow.com as some of the instructional videos and text instructions don't take into consideration that you can get hurt. Which I did. :(
Any ways, I wasn't prepared and I tried to Google the web pages I was looking for saying, of course, that this is the best way to find them. I could not find them at all so I flipped off Google. Minutes later the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building. I apologized for flipping off Google. We were on the 9th floor. Next year, if I go, I will present on a lower floor. WAAAYY too many stairs down to the ground. Then there was another flight up stairs up to the exit door!!! Found out at the end of the day that Google was one of the sponsors of the event...Ooopsydoodles!!
Overall I had a good time. The food was great!! Probably ate my weight in salad. Had the obligatory geek food including Dorritos, Fritos and Cheetos...What is with the tos foods? Maybe it means Tolerable Offensive Stuff or something. My diet does not allow for tos foods. Ah well. I don't like chocolate either which makes me a bit of an outcast too. Freak..ya know?
Was glad I made my daughter and her boyfriend go too. Hubby and boyfriend talked, argued, debated and other talk type words about math, physics and other stuff almost the whole time. Yay for him and that it wasn't me!!
Enjoyed the talk on helping homeless people get into houses, building Arduinos and how to use Inkscape. Wish I would have known about Inkscape before remaking the MAST (Madison Area Science and Technology) logo.
Won a t-shirt at the end raffle. Yay me!! Feels good to win things occasionally.
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