Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just Need to Dance!!

I have been watching Dr. Who episodes from the new seasons. Currently I am watching season two and will be watching season three soon. Become addicted to it and have to watch all the seasons now, like that is a shocker. Can Will Power be negative? Perhaps there are just some massive modifiers to my dice roll to resist. *shrugs* Anyways, the important part of know the important part that comes 100 words later.. There is an episode where the main character of this episode (Which is not the Doctor so you may ask Who?) is a guy who is searching for Dr. Who and loves ELO. Electric Light Orchestra for those who don't know..what?..who?..Old Rock Band from the 70's and 80's with big hair. Yes, I know that narrows it down to ALL ROCK BANDS from that era but..anyways...You have the internet or some equivalent or you wouldn't be reading look it up...
Okay maybe 160+ words later..The important part is that he likes ELO and they played some of the songs while he danced around his apartment. Much like Foot Loose...Hopefully we have all arrived at the 80's okay so I don't have to explain this reference too. They are playing the song Mr. Blue Sky and I just can't help but dance. Was having a pretty normal Ho Hum day and this just put the wiggle into me. So, obsessive compulsive me has been listening to this, and (just to make me sound less nuts) some other ELO songs. Yes, occasionally I play another but it is still ELO. Played it 4 times while blogging just now. Don't have the CD yet but...yes, I think I will have to obtain it.

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